QI2023/ Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers の受賞者が決まりました
Quantum Innovation 2023 Poster Session Organizing Committee
Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers of PO-SE
PO-SE-07 Kosuke Kimura Gunma University “Quantum state tomography with NV-NV pair for quantum sensing application” |
PO-SE-09 Ozora Iso The University of Electro-Communications “Biphoton spectral measurement with delay-line-anode single-photon detectors” |
PO-SE-15 Ryota Kitagawa Tokyo Institute of Technology “Widefield imaging of the magnetization process in soft magnetic-thin film using diamond quantum sensors” |
PO-SE-24 Riku Kawase Kyoto University “Control of impurity incorporation into CVD diamond toward long coherence time of the NV center by optimizing pressure” |
PO-SE-32 Atsumi Yoshimura Tokyo Institute of Technology “Development of sensitive diamond quantum sensor for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat” |
PO-SE-36 Geobae Park Kyoto University “Experimental criteria for the classification of multi-photon correlations” |
PO-SE-42 Hiroaki Otsuka Wasede University “Tyrosine 319 may play a key role in the Radical Pair Mechanism through bifurcation in the light initiated redox reaction” |
*PO-SE was Joint Session of Q-LEAP 6th International Forum on Quantum Metrology and Sensing (6th IFQMS).
*Click here for all QI2023 Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers.