“Awards” is uploaded on December 21, 2021
The 4th IFQMS will be held online on December 8, 2021
The 4th IFQMS will be held as a Joint Program Session with Quantum Innovation 2021 (December 7-9, 2021) to celebrate the launch of the Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs.
QI2021: December 7-9, 2021 (Online)
Click here for the website
Click here for Program at a Glance
Short Presentation Session
Call for entries for the presentation has been closed.
[SE-03A: Short Presentations by Young Researchers on SE-01, 04, 06, 07 Topics].
Overview of the 4th IFQMS Short Presentation Session
- Date and time: Wednesday 8 December, 13:10 – 16:10 (JST)
- Overview of the SE-03A: Click here for the overview
- *Indicate your name as “FAMILY NAME Given name (Affiliation)” such as HATANO Mutsuko (Tokyo Tech).
- Method: Online (Zoom)
- Language: English
- Time, etc.: 5 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A
- Awards: Awards will be given to the best presentations.
Template for Proceeding of Short Presentation
- Template for Proceeding of Short Presentation [Word file]
- Notes for Acknowledgments on Q-LEAP [Pdf file] (in Japanese)
Virtual background for joining Zoom
Presentation Guideline (SE-03A Short Presentation)
- Short Presentation session (SE-03A/B) will be held in a Zoom meeting.
- Indicate your name as “FAMILY NAME Given name (Affiliation)” such as HATANO Mutsuko (Tokyo Tech).
- SE-03A parallel sessions will provide by breakout room feature of Zoom.
- Each presentation will be 5 minutes of explanation and 5 minutes of Q&A.
- Each presenter shares their presentation documents from their own PC.
- You can use the above virtual background.
Connection test for presenters
A pre-meeting will be held for all presenters and mentors. Please refer to the email sent by IFQMS on Dec.6 for details.
* QI2021 Presentation Guideline have been sent as an attachment to the above email.
(SE-03A 4th IFQMS/QI2021 Short Presentation Detailed Program and Publication of Proceedings)
Program with global timetable
Click here for the 4th IFQMS program with global timetable
Judging Committee for Short Presentation Awards
Best Short Presentation Award of SE-03A
Masaya Arahata Kyoto University “Wavelength-tunable broadband infrared quantum absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region 2-5 µm” |
Short Presentation Award of SE-03A
Moriyoshi Haruyama National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) “Electroluminescence observation of NV center in diamond lateral p-i-n diode” |
Ryoichi Saito Osaka University “Development of a quantum gyroscope based on a signle ion trapping techniques” |
Uri Vool Harvard University “Imaging hydrodynamic flow in WTe_2 using cryogenic quantum magnetometry” |
Yining Xuan Tohoku University “Single photon emission from a quantum-dot-gold-nanostar coupled system on an optical nanofiber” |
Click here for the Short Presentation Award of SE-03B
Q-LEAP Tokyo Tech HQ, IFQMS Secretariat
Email: ifqms[at]qleap.titech.ac.jp
*Note: Please replace [at] with @ when you send an email to us.