This research is supported by MEXT Q-LEAP (Quantum Leap Flagship Program).
Flagship Project:
Development of innovative sensor systems by highly sophisticated control of solid quantum sensors -
Basic Foundation Research:
Research on quantum sensing devices using quantum entangled photons -
Basic Foundation Research:
Establishment of earthquake early alert methods using high-sensitivity gravity gradiometer -
Basic Foundation Research:
Development of photon-number-resolving quantum nano-photonics -
Basic Foundation Research:
Development of quantum atomic magnetometer with dual quantum noise squeezing -
Basic Foundation Research:
Development of Spectroscopic techniques based on cutting-edge quantum optics toward elucidating functions of complex molecular systems -
Basic Foundation Research:
Material science of complex defects for highly-sensitive quantum sensors -
Basic Foundation Research:
Development of next generation high-performance inertial quantum sensors
Flagship Project (Development of innovative sensor systems by highly sophisticated control of solid quantum sensors)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | Y. Nakamura, . Watanabe, K. Itoh, K. Sasaki, K. Kobayashi, J. Hayase | Optimizing optical readout of nitrogen-vacancy center spins with spin relaxation model | |
2 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | M. Ueda, K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, Y. Takahashi, C. Wakabayashi, T. Kageura, H. Kawarada, | Fabrication of Ultra High-Concentration Nitrogen-doped CVD Diamond and Evaluation of the Physical Properties | |
3 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, Y. Masuyama, H. Abe, T. Ohshima | Ensemble NV Centers in Type-Ib Diamond Created by High Fluence Electron Irradiation | |
4 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | R. Matsuki, K. Arai, K. Kajiyama, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Improvement of sensitivity of diamond quantum sensor for bio-magnetic measurement | |
5 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | K. Hirokawa, K. Fukuda, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | Formation of diamond protective film using microwave plasma CVD and evaluation of quantum emitters | |
6 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | Y. Zuo, T. Hayashi, H. Deguchi, H. Nakanishi, Y. Nishibayashi, N. Tatsumi, M. Teramoto, Y. Kobayashi | Synthetic Diamond for Nitrogen Vacancy Sensor and Its Applicability |
7 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | T. Isogawa, Y. Matsuzaki, J. Ishi-Hayase1 | Vector DC magnetic-field sensing with reference microwave field using a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond | |
8 | Keynote | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | N. Mizuochi | Recent progress in the research of NV diamond quantum sensor |
9 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | J. Shin | Development of a wide dynamic range current sensor for automobiles using a diamond NV quantum sensor |
10 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | D. Nishitani, K. Arai, R. Matsuki, Y. Nishio, Y. Hatano, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Improve sensitivity of diamond quantum magnetic sensors for biomagnetic measurement |
11 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | R. Katsumi, T. Hizawa, A. Kuwahata, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano, F. Jelezko, M. Sekino, T. Yatsui | Hybrid integration of Si3N4 grating on a diamond NV substrate using transfer printing | |
12 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | M. Sekino, M. Fushimi, A. Kuwahata, T. Yatsui, K. Arai, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Toward biomedical applications of diamond NV quantum sensors |
13 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | S. Nagata, R. Kitagawa, S. Urashita, K. Arai, K. Mizuno, H. Ishiwata, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. Hatano | Improving pressure sensitivity of diamond quantum sensor using piezoactive magnetic material | |
14 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 Tutorial | T. Iwasaki | Fundamentals and Development of Diamond NV Quantum Sensors and Quantum Measurement |
15 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | Y. Nakano, S. Inagaki, K. Kobayashi, M. Haruyama, H. Kato, C. E. Nebel, X. Zhang, T. Matsumoto, T. Inokuma, S. Yamasaki, N. Tokuda | Development of heavily nitrogen-doped diamond growth with suppression of 2D nucleation | |
16 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, R. Sailer, J. Lang, C. Findler, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | Coherence Time Evaluation of NV Centers Created by Phthalocyanine Ion Implantation. | |
17 | 2022/3 | The 99th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan | R. Igarashi | Highly sensitive biosensing technology using nanoscale quantum biosensors | |
18 | Invited | 2022/3 | EDTM 2022 (2022/3/6-3/9) | M. Hatano | Potential of diamond solid-state quantum sensors |
19 | 2022/3 | The 8th ZAIKEN Festa | M. Ueda, K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, Y. Takahashi, C. Wakabayashi, T. Kageura, H. Kawarada, | Evaluation of ultra-high concentration nitrogen-doped CVD diamond homoepitaxial growth and crystal elongation | |
20 | 2022/3 | JSPS R026 Committee 8th meeting | M. Kohguchi | Nanobio Prober for Single Cell Measurement Applying NV Diamond | |
21 | Invited | 2022/1 | nano tech 2022 | T. Iwasaki | Diamond Quantum Technology Evolving with Nanotechnology |
22 | 2022/1 | 2022 Joint MMM-INTERMAG | A. Kuwahata, T. Yamaguchi, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, Y. Niwa, M. Sekino | Movable magnetically shielded room with 9-layers of permalloy for biomedical applications | |
23 | 2022/1 | 2022 MMM-INTERMAG | Y. Murata, H. Tanaka, K. Arai, R. Katsumi, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano, R. Igarashi, T. Ohshima, F. Jelezko, M. Kusakabe, S. Yabukami, T.i Yatsui, M.i Sekino, A. Kuwahata | Magnetometry with diamond nitrogen-vacancy center by using an optical fiber array for two-dimensional imaging | |
24 | 2021/12 | Advanced Quantum Life Science Forum 2021 Winter Meeting | h. Yanagihara, T. Morioka, M. Ogawa, T. Suzuki, K. Kaminaga, R. Igarashi, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, T. Imaoka, S. Kakinuma | Research on Elucidation of Carcinogenesis Mechanisms by Quantum Sensors - Dynamics of Nano Quantum Sensors in Tumors | |
25 | 2021/12 | Advanced Quantum Life Science Forum 2021 Winter Meeting | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | NV Center Formation Technology Using Organic Compound Ion Beam | |
26 | 2021/12 | Advanced Quantum Life Science Forum 2021 Winter Meeting | T. Yanagi, T. Suzuki, K. Kaminaga, R. Igarashi | Development of an endosome-free fluorescent nanodiamond sensor delivery method using cell membrane fusible vesicles | |
27 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | T. Isogawa, Y. Matsuzaki, J. Ishi-Hayase | Vector DC magnetic-field sensing with reference microwave field using a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond | |
28 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | H. Tabuchi, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Furuya, Y. Nakano, H. Watanabe, N. Tokuda, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-Hayase | Continuous-Wave Temperature Sensing using RF-Dressed States of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond | |
29 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | H. Morishita, N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Yao, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, N. Mizuochi | AC magnetic field sensing with ensemble NV centers using electrical detection methods | |
30 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | M. Haruyama, H. Kato, M. Ogura, Y. Kato, T. Iwasaki, N. Mizuochi, T. Makino | Electroluminescence Observation of NV Center in Diamond Lateral p-i-n Diode | |
31 | 2021/12 | QST Takasaki Science Festa 2021 | Y. Masuyama | High-sensitivity solid-state quantum sensor with high resistance to environmental noise | |
32 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | S. Motoki, S. Sato, Y. Masuyama, Y. Yamazaki, S. Saiki, Y. Hijikata, T. Ohshima | Optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of silicon vacancies in 4H-SiC with different temperatures | |
33 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | F. T.-K. So, A. I. Shames, D. Terada, T. Genjo, H. Morishita, I. Ohki, T. Ohshima, S. Onoda, H. Takashima, S. Takeuchi, N. Mizuochi, R. Igarashi, M. Shirakawa, T. F. Segawa | Investigation of irradiation induced nitrogen-vacancy centers in 5-nanometer-sized Detonation nanodiamonds | |
34 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | S. Ishii | Fabrication of a quantum sensor to reveal a topic in thermal physiology | |
35 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. Teraji | Exploring NV center formation condition for high Econv and charge-state ratio of NV- and NV0 centers | |
36 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | Development of phthalocyanine ion beam for creation of multiple NV centers | |
37 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | X. Cao, Z. Xin, A. Kuwahata, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, K. Oyama, Y. Anno, T. Yoshida, T. Shibata, Y. Shirota, M. Yumoto, H. Sawamura, M. Hatano, T. Yatsui, M. Sekino | Toward on-board magnetoencephalography with wearable magnetometers and active noise canceler | |
38 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | M. Fushimi, A. Kuwahata, S. Chikaki, T. Yamaguchi,Y. Niwa, M. Sekino | Three-layered magnetically shielded room for ultrahigh-sensitivity quantum sensing of biomagnetic signals | |
39 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | R. Katsumi, T. Hizawa, A. Kuwahata, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano, F. Jelezko, M. Sekino, T. Yatsui | Hybrid integration of Si3N4 grating structure on diamond NV substrate for efficient photon extraction | |
40 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | H. Tomioka, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, K. Arai, H. Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohsima, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Study on electron spin control method for high-sensitivity diamond quantum sensor | |
41 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | R. Kitagawa, S. Nagata, S. Urashita, K. Arai, K. Mizuno, H. Ishiwata, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. Hatano | Sensitivity of weight imaging using a hybrid system based on piezoactive magnetic material and diamond quantum sensor | |
42 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | R. Matsuki, K. Arai, A. Kuwahata, D. Nishitani, I. Fujisaki, Y. Nishio, Z. Xin, X. Cao, Y. Hatano, S. Onoda, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamazaki, T. Teraji, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki | Magnetocardiography imaging of living rats using NV centers in Diamond | |
43 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | H. Ishiwata, H. C. Watanabe, S. Hanashima, T. lwasaki, M. Hatano, R. Igarashi | Label-free analysis of diffusion constant in lipid bilayers using nanoscale diamond magnetometry | |
44 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, Y. Miyamoto, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | High-quality lead-vacancy centers in diamond by high-pressure and high-temperature annealing | |
45 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | Y. Shigenobu, Y. Hatano, J. Shin, J. Tanigawa, A. Nakazono, S. Onoda, T. Oshima, K. Arai, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | High Dynamic range current detection using a diamond quantum sensor | |
46 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | T. Tsuji, H. Ishiwata, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Formation of diamond film containing perfectly aligned NV center ensembles at a high growth rate by high-power density plasma CVD | |
47 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | K. Hirokawa, K. Fukuda, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | Fabrication of diamond protective film using microwave plasma CVD towards high-quality quantum emitters | |
48 | Invited | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | M. Hatano | Current Status and Prospects of Solid-State Quantum Sensors for Quantum-LEAP |
49 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | y. Nishio, Y.Hatano, J. Shin, d. Nishitani, R. Matsuki, H. Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, K. Arai, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | A compact quantum sensor head with side excitation of CVD diamond | |
50 | 2021/12 | 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | K. Arai, A. Kuwahata, D. Nishitani, I. Fujisaki, R. Matsuki, Y. Nishio, Z. Xin, X. Cao, Y. Hatano, S. Onoda, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamazaki, T. Teraji, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki | Magnetocardiography of mammalian animals using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond | |
51 | 2021/12 | 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, T. Tatsuishi, Y. Saito, Y. Ueda, K. Ootani, T. Tanii, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, S. Enomoto, S. Kono, H. Kawarada | Fabrication of High-Density NV Ensemble Using Vacancies Created by Transmission Electron Microscope | |
52 | Invited | 2021/12 | 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | H. Kato | Plasma CVD synthesis of nitrogen-vacancy centers in (111)-oriented diamond |
53 | 2021/12 | 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | R. Kitagawa, S. Nagata, S. Urashita, K. Arai, K. Mizuno, H. Ishiwata, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. Hatano | Imaging of Weight Distribution Using a Hybrid System Based on Piezoactive Magnetic Material and Diamond Quantum Sensor | |
54 | 2021/11 | 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit | Y. Nakano, S. Inagaki, K. Kobayashi, X. Zhang, T. Matsumoto, T. Inokuma, S. Yamasaki, C. E. Nebel, N. Tokuda | Homoepitaxial Growth Mechanism of Heavily Nitrogen Doped Diamond (111) Films | |
55 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | M. Ueda, K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, Y. Takahashi, C. Wakabayashi, T. Kageura, H. Kawarada, | Preparation of highly nitrogen-doped CVD diamond and investigation of crystal lattice elongation | |
56 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | K. Arai, T. Ishiwata, I. Fujisaki, R. Matsuki, K. Kajiyama, N. Sato, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Improving the performance of diamond quantum sensors and pioneering next-generation applications | |
57 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | M. Haruyama, Y. Okigawa、H. Kato, T. Makino, T. Yamada | Charge state stabilization of near-surface NV centers using graphene-on-diamond | |
58 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | Formation of NV centers by phthalocyanine ion implantation | |
59 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Teraji | Negative charge fraction of NV center - interpretation by equilibrium equation of state | |
60 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | H. Tomioka, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, K. Arai, H. Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohsima, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Research on electron spin control method for miniaturization and high sensitivity of diamond quantum sensors | |
61 | 2021/11 | The 18th Research Meeting, Thin Film Materials & Devices Meeting | T. Ohshima | Quantum sensing by luminescence and spin defects in wide bandgap semiconductors | |
62 | 2021/11 | 15th Anniversary Symposium, Nano Quantum Information Electronics (NanoQuine), The University of Tokyo | M. Sekino | Biomagnetic Measurement Using Solid-State Quantum Sensors | |
63 | Invited | 2021/9 | The 4th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum | M. Hatano | Pink diamond: Potential of diamond quantum sensors for super smart society |
64 | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | T. Hamoya, K. Kaminaga, R. Igarashi, S. Kakinuma, T. Imaoka | Analysis of the effect of changes in carcinogenesis-related signals on intracellular temperature | |
65 | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, Y. Masuyama, H. Abe, T. Ohshima | Formation of diamond NV centers by high-temperature electron irradiation | |
66 | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | R. Igarashi | "Fluorescent Nanodiamond" and "Nano Quantum Sensor" | |
67 | Keynote | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | M. Hatano | The Potential of Diamond Quantum Sensors for Quantum Life |
68 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | E. D. Herbschleb, H. Kato, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, N. Mizuochi | Large-range high-sensitivity quantum sensing | |
69 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | Y. Nakano, S. Inagaki, K. Kobayashi, X. Zhang, T. Matsumoto, T. Inokuma, S. Yamasaki, C. E. Nebel, N. Tokuda | Development of heavily nitrogen-doped diamond growth with suppression of 2D nucleation | |
70 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | K. Nakahashi, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Hayashi, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-Hayase | Multiplexed Sensing of Temperature and Vector Magnetic field based on Manipulation of Electron Spin of NV Centers in Diamond using Multi-frequency Microwaves | |
71 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | H. Tabuchi, F. Noboru, M. Yuichiro, W. Hideyuki, M. Norikazu, H. Junko | Highly-sensitive temperature sensing using RF-dressed states of Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond | |
72 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | M. Ueda, K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, T. Kageura, S. Kawai, K. Otani, Y. Ueda, Y. Saito, T. Tanii, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, S. Enomoto, S. Kono, H. Kawarada, | Spin characterization of NV ensembles on high-concentration nitrogen-doped CVD diamonds | |
73 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | Y. Yamazaki, Y. Masuyama, S. Sato, T. Makino, N. Yamada, T. Satoh, K. Kojima, H. Tsuchida, N. Hoshino, T. Ohshima | Measurement of current-induced magnetic fields in SiC devices by silicon vacancy quantum sensor | |
74 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | S. Motoki, S. Sato, Y. Masuyama, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Hijikata, T. Ohshima | Optically detected magnetic resonance spectra of silicon vacancies in 4H-SiC with different temperatures | |
75 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | T. Takahashi, R. Katsumi, K. Hizawa, T. Sato, A. Kuwahata, R. Igarashi, T. Ohshima, Y. Masuyama, T. Iwasaki, Y. Hatano, M. Hatano, T, Makino, S. Yamasaki, F. Jelezko, M. Sekino, T. Yatsui | Numerical optimization and evaluation of a grating coupler on diamond NV bulk substrate | |
76 | Invited | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | T. Iwasaki | Progress and Outlook of Diamond Quantum Emitters |
77 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | K. Arai, A. Kuwahata, D. Nishitani, I. Fujisaki, R. Matsuki, Y. Nishio, Z. Xin, X. Cao, Y. Hatano, S. Onoda, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, M. Yamazaki, T, Teraji, T, Ohshima, M, Hatano, M, Sekino, T, Iwasaki | Magnetocardiography using a solid-state quantum sensor | |
78 | 2021/9 | 31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials | T. Tsuji, H. Ishiwata, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | Formation of Perfectly aligned Nitrogen-vacancy-center ensemble in diamond at high growth rate by high power MWCVD | |
79 | 2021/9 | SSDM2021 | K. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, T. Tatsuishi, Y. Saito, Y. Ueda, K. Ootani, T. Tanii, S. Onoda, J. Isoya, S. Enomoto, S. Kono, H. Kawarada | Spin Characterization of High-Density NV Ensemble Using Vacancies Created by Transmission Electron Microscope | |
80 | 2021/9 | 31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials | R. Kitagawa, S. Urashita, K. Arai, K. Mizuno, H. Ishiwata, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. Hatano | Stress detection by hybrid system based on piezoactive magnetic material and diamond quantum sensor towards biological mass microscopy | |
81 | 2021/9 | 31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials | Y.Narita, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki | Resonant Excitation of Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Fabricated by High Energy Ion Implantation | |
82 | 2021/9 | 31st International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials | P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, Y. Miyamoto, M. Hatano, T. Iwasaki1 | Low Temperature Spectroscopic Investigation of Lead-Vacancy Centers in Diamond | |
83 | 2021/9 | The 45th Annual Conference on MAGNETICS in Japan | Y. Masuyama | Diamond quantum sensor towards robust biosensing | |
84 | Invited | 2021/8 | Micro-Nano Systems, Materials and Processing Subcommittee, Electronics and Information Technology Subcommittee, Study Session "Frontiers of Quantum Electronics by Diamond NV Center | M. Hatano | Features and Potential Applications of Solid-State Quantum Sensors |
85 | 2021/8 | The 1st Q-LEAP Next Generation Laser Area Symposium | R. Igarashi | Nanoscale Quantum Biosensors | |
86 | Invited | 2021/7 | R031 Hybrid Quantum Nano Technology Committee 1st meeting | M. Hatano | Potential of Solid-State Quantum Sensors |
87 | 2021/6 | The 60th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering & The 36th Annual Meeting of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society | X. Cao, Z. Xin, A. Kuwahata, S. Jin, S. Chikaki, K. Oyama, Y. Anno, T. Yoshida, T. Shibata, Y. Shirota, M. Yumoto, H. Sawamura, M. Hatano, T. Yatsui, M. Sekino | Sensor array optimization of wearable magnetometers for potential applications in real world | |
88 | 2021/6 | 14th International Conference on New Diamonds and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 | H. Morishita, T. Nishikawa, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, N. Mizuochi | Electrical Detection of Magnetic Resonance of NV Centers in Diamond under Zero-Bias Voltage | |
89 | 2021/6 | 14th International Conference on New Diamonds and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 | S. Ishii, S. Onoda, S. Saiki, Y. Masuyama, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, T. Teraji, Y. Kamitsubo, T. Sekiguchi, M. Hatano, J. Isoya, T. Ohshima | Effect of P1 concentration on NV centers created by electron beam irradiation | |
90 | 2021/6 | 14th International Conference on New Diamonds and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 | E. D. Herbschleb, H. Kato, A. Watanabe, Y. Maruyama, T. Nishikawa, T. Danjo, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, I. Ohki, K. Hayashi, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi | Nitrogen-vacancy centres in phosphorus-doped diamond: ultra-long coherence times | |
91 | 2021/6 | 14th International Conference on New Diamonds and Nano Carbons 2020/2021 | K. Kajiyama, S. Okuda, H. Ishiwata, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano | In-situ study of nucleation on 3C-SiC/Si (111) substrate for highly oriented heteroepitaxial diamond | |
92 | Keynote | 2021/6 | EM-NANO 2021 | M. Hatano | The potential of diamond solid-state quantum sensor |
93 | 2021/4 | Intermag | S. Jin, A. Kuwahata, S. Chikaki,M. Hatano, M. Sekino | Passive shimming of magnetic shield room using ferromagnetic plates | |
94 | Keynote | 2021/4 | 2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit | M. Hatano | Diamond Electronics for Quantum Sensing |
Basic Foundation Research (Research on quantum sensing devices using quantum entangled photons)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | M. Hojo, S. Tani, Y. Kobayashi, K. Tanaka | Estimation of the quantum efficiency of the up-conversion system based on the repetition-synchronized oscillators | |
2 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | D. Nakamura, K. Sugiura, R. Okamoto, Q. Feng, S. Yokoyama, S. Takeuchi | Multi-photon pair generation using a silicon nitride ring resonator | |
3 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | S. Mima, F. China, M. Yabuno, S. Miyajima, S. Miki, Y. Gama, T. Tashima, M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi, H. Terai | Development of a superconducting nanowire single photon detector for mid-infrared wavelengths | |
4 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | S. Takahashi, S. Kusaba, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, K. Tanaka | Relaxation processes of excitons in hBN-encapsulated monolayer MoSe2 probed by sum frequency generation spectroscopy | |
5 | 2022/3 | International Symposia on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2022 and Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022 | K. Sugiura, R. Okamoto, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, S. Sugiura | Investigation of spestral properties of photon-pairs generated in an on-chip ring resonator | |
6 | 2022/3 | International Symposia on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2022 and Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022 | J. Kaur, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Comparison of CW and pulsed laser excitation in Infared quantum absorption spectroscopy | |
7 | 2022/3 | International Symposia on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2022 and Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022 | K. Shimazaki, H. Kawaguchi, H. Takashima, T. F. Segawa, F.T.-K. So, D. Terada, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Shirakawa, S. Takeuchi | Creation of Silicon Vacancy Center in Detonation Nanodiamonds by High Temperature Annealing | |
8 | 2022/3 | International Symposia on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2022 and Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022 | G. Park, R. Okamoto, H F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi | Direct observation of quantum interference in non-Fock states using Fourier transform of optical quantum circuit | |
9 | 2022/3 | International Symposia on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2022 and Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022 | M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, T. Tashima, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Wavelength-tunable broadband infrared quantum absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region 2-5µm | |
10 | 2022/3 | Day of Light" Symposium "Quantum Technology Innovation through Optoelectronics | S. Takeuchi | Current Status and Future Prospects of Optical Quantum Sensing | |
11 | 2022/2 | Photonics West 2022 On Demand | S. Takeuchi, T. Kiyohara. R. Okamoto | Efficient generation and evaluation of single photons propagating in the multiple optical modes | |
12 | 2022/1 | Quantum ICT Forum Basic Course on Quantum Measurement and Sensing | Y. Mukai | Fundamentals of Quantum Interferometry and its Application to Infrared Quantum Absorption Spectroscopy | |
13 | 2021/12 | The 32nd Annual Meeting on Photophysical Properties | S. Takahashi, S. Kusaba, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, K. Tanaka | Exciton Level Structure of hBN encapsulated single layer MoSe2 using Sum Frequency Spectroscopy | |
14 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | F. China, S. Miki, S. Mima, M. Yabuno, S. Miyajima, H. Terai | Superconducting nanostrip single-photon detectors with dielectric multilayer cavities | |
15 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | M. Hojo, K. Tanaka | Estimation of the quantum efficiency of the up-conversion system based on injection-locked dual oscillators | |
16 | 2021/11 | The 2nd Workshop on Quantum Sensing of Light | H. Terai | Development of superconducting nanowire single-photon detector in the mid-infrared region | |
17 | 2021/11 | The 2nd Workshop on Quantum Sensing of Light | K. Tanaka | Current Status and Prospects of Upward Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging Technology | |
18 | 2021/11 | The 2nd Workshop on Quantum Sensing of Light | S. Takeuchi | What is quantum entangled light? Its Applications | |
19 | 2021/11 | The 6th Photonics Workshop | S. Kusaba, Y. Katagiri, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, N. Naka, K. Tanaka | Resonant sum frequency spectroscopy of dark exciton levels in monoatomic layer WSe2 | |
20 | 2021/10 | Technical Committee for Survey of Trends in Power Light Sources and New Application Technologies, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan | S. Takeuchi | Current Status and Future Prospects of Optical Quantum Sensing | |
21 | 2021/9 | Sensing with Quantum Light 754. WE-Heraeus-Seminar | Y. Muaki, M. Arahata, T. Tashima, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Complex transmittance measurements using quantum Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy | |
22 | 2021/9 | Sensing with Quantum Light 754. WE-Heraeus-Seminar | M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, T. Tashima, B. Cao, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | A wavelength variable visible-infrared photon pair source via spontaneous parametric downconversion in the mid-infrared region | |
23 | 2021/9 | Sensing with Quantum Light 754. WE-Heraeus-Seminar | S. Takeuchi | Efficient entangled photon sources and their applications | |
24 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | S. Takahashi, S. Kusaba, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, K. Tanaka | Exciton states in hBN-encapsulated monolayer MoSe2 probed by nonlinear spectroscopy | |
25 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | S. Kusaba, Y. Katagiri, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, N. Naka, K. Tanaka | The origin of 2p exciton linewidth in resonant sum-frequency generation spectrum in monolayer WSe2 | |
26 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | M. Hojo, T. Koichiro | Quantitative estimation of simultaneous parametric down-conversion | |
27 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | T. Tashima, Y. Gama, M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, M. Hisamitsu, K. Tokuda, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Broadband visible-infrared entangled photon pair generation using chirp quasi-phase-matched devices | |
28 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | M. Inoue, S. Nohara, R. Okamoto, A. Fujiwara, S. Takeuchi | One parameter sequential adaptive quantum state estimation for mixed states | |
29 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | I. Fujita, M. Hisamitsu, K. Tokuda, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Dispersion control of frequency entangled photon pairs to minimize temporal correlation | |
30 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | Y. Gama, T. Tashima, M. Arahata, Y. Yamada, Y. Mukai, F. China, M. Yabuno, S. Mima, S. Miyazaki, S. Miki, H. Terai, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | The evaluation of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors for mid-infrared wavelengths | |
31 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, T. Tashima, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Demonstration of tunable broadband infrared quantum absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region 2-5 µm | |
32 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | N. Schwaller, G. Park, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | Focusing constraints on coupling dfficiency of collinear type-l degenerated SPDC photon pairs into a single-mode fiber | |
33 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | Naofumi Abe, Tomoyasu Horino, Yoko Kawaguchi, Ryo Okamoto, Shigeki Takeuchi | Demonstration of quantum optical coherence tomography with resolution of less than 3 μm3 | |
34 | 2021/8 | 2nd Subcommittee on Device Technology Toward Non-Neumannian Information Processing | S. Takeuchi | Current Status and Prospects of Quantum Information Technology Using Photons | |
35 | 2021/8 | SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications | M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, B. Cao, R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi | A wavelength variable visible-infared photon pair source using a LiNbO3 crystal in the mid-infrared redion | |
36 | 2021/8 | SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications | S. Takeuchi | Efficient analysis of entangled photons and single photons | |
37 | 2021/6 | CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 | S. Takahashi, S. Kusaba, K. Tanaka | Signature of 2p exciton in hBN-encapsulated monolayer MoSe2 revealed by sum frequency generation spectroscopy | |
38 | 2021/6 | CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 | S. Kusaba, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, K. Tanaka | Dark Exciton Formation and Relaxation Dynamics in Monolayer WSe2 | |
39 | 2021/5 | The 44st Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT44) | K. Shimazaki, H. Kawaguchi, H. Takashima, T.Segawa, F. T. So, F. Terada, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Shirakawa, S. Takeuchi | Fabrication of SiV centers in ultra-fine nanodiamond |
Basic Foundation Research (Establishment of earthquake early alert methods using high-sensitivity gravity gradiometer)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | S. Takano, C. P. Ooi, Y. Oshima, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA (Torsion Bar Antenna) for Gravitational Wave Observation (33) : Construction of the cryogenic monolithic interferometer | |
2 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | C. P. Ooi, S. Takano,Y. Oshima, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (32): Q Value Measurements of Crystalline Fibre Suspensions of Cryogenic Torsion Pendulums | |
3 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | Y. Oshima,S. Takano,C. P. Ooi,Y. Michimura,M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (31): Principle test of sensitive wavefront sensor | |
4 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | Y. Oshima, S. Takano, C. P. Ooi, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Angular Sensor with a Coupled Cavity for Gravity Gradient Sensing | |
5 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | C. P. Ooi | Suspension noise measurements of cryogenic torsion pendulums with crystalline fibres | |
6 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | S. Takano, Y. Oshima, C. P. Ooi, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Cryogenic Monolithic Interferometer for Sensing Gravity Gradient | |
7 | 2021/10 | The 2022 SSJ Fall Meeting | S. Watada | Symplectic numerical integration method for the calculation of spherically symmetric earth free vibration modes | |
8 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | C. P. Ooi, S. Takano, Y. Oshima, T. Shimoda, Y. Michimura, A. Shoda, M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (29): Torsional Q Value Cryogenic Testing of Crystalline Suspension Fibres | |
9 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | Y. Oshima, S. Takano, C. P. Ooi, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (28): Principle test of sensitive wavefront sensor | |
10 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | S. Takano, C. P. Ooi, Y. Oshima, Y. Michimura, M. Ando | Development of Phase-III TOBA (Torsion Bar Antenna) for Gravitational Wave Observation (30) : Evaluation of a differential Fabry-Perot cavity | |
11 | 2021/9 | LVK Meeting | M. Ando | R&Ds for Future Upgrade and Post-O5 Planning | |
12 | 2021/7 | 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting | M. Ando | TOBA: Ground-Based Mid.-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Antenna | |
13 | 2021/6 | Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021 | N. Kame, M. Kimura, S. Watada, A. Araya, T. Kunugi, W. Rongjiang | Determination of Source Parameters of the 2011 Off-Tohoku Earthquake by Three-Component P-Wave Pre-Gravity Signals Recorded by High-Density Arrays in Japan | |
14 | 2021/5 | GWADW2021 | M. Ando | Summary of Low-Frequency Workshop |
Basic Foundation Research (Development of photon-number-resolving quantum nano-photonics)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | A. Yoshizawa, D. Fukuda | On the estimation of POVM elements by convex optimization to characterize a photon-number-resolving detector | |
2 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | M. Fukunaga, F. Yang, . Edamatsu, H. Yokoyama, H. Yamada, N. Matsuda, | Generation of correlated photons from a Q-value-modulated ring resonator | |
3 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | K. Sakaino, S. Kimura, T. Odagawa, K. Tanizawa, M. Okano, M. Takenaka, H. Yamada, N. Matsuda, | Design of unitary transformation circuits using silicon waveguides for quantum computation | |
4 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | S. Kimura, K. Sakaino, K. Tanizawa, M. Okano, M. Takenaka, H. Yamada, N. Matsuda, | Design of multi-channel quantum light source using silicon optical waveguides | |
5 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | P. Wang, K. Edamatsu, F. Kaneda | Electro-optic switch toward polarization-independent single-photon routing | |
6 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | T. Dong, B. Le, K.i Edamatsu, S. Baek, F. Kaneda | Experimental variable strength measurement using quantum computers | |
7 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | R. Sun, Y. Xuan, S. Baek, Keiichi Edamatsu | Development of a gold-nanoparticle positioning system toward efficient single photon sources | |
8 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | Y. Xuan, M. Sugawara, R. Sun, S. Baek, K. Edamatsu, M. Sadgrovea | Study of nanofiber-based single photon emitters utilizing gold-nanoparticle-quantum-dot coupled system | |
9 | 2022/2 | Tohoku Region Wakate Researchers' Research Conference 2021 | T. Takahashi, T. Okatani, N.Matsuda, Y. Kanamori | Investigation of hydrogen annealing treatment for thin Si waveguides | |
10 | 2022/2 | FRIS/TI-FRIS annual meeting | F. Kaneda | Pure single-photon generation using a domain engineered nonlinear optical crystal | |
11 | 2022/1 | The 42st Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan | F. Kaneda | Quantum Light Source by Time Multiplexing | |
12 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | Y. Wang, K. Haji, S. Abe, T. Inagaki, Y. Kanamori, K. Edamatsu, H. Yamada, N. Matsuda | Hydrogen Annealing Effect on Silicon Optical Waveguide | |
13 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | Y. Xuan, M. Sugawara, R. Sun, S. Baek, K. Edamatsu, M. Sadgrove | Single photon emission from a quantum-dot-gold-nanostar coupled system on an optical nanofiber | |
14 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | R. Sun, Y. Xuan, S. Baek, K. Edamatsu | Towards optical manipulation of gold-nanoparticles for efficient single photon sources | |
15 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | L. B. Ho, K. Edamatsu | Error-Disturbance relations in Faraday measurements | |
16 | 2021/12 | The 45st Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT45) | L. B. Ho, K. Edamatsu | Error-Disturbance relations in Faraday measurements | |
17 | 2021/11 | The 45st Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT45) | X. Yining, M. Sugawara, S. Rui, S. Baek, M. Sadgrove, K. Edamatsu | Single Photon Source Coupled with Gold Nanostars on Nano-optical Fiber | |
18 | 2021/11 | The 29th Workshop of Photonic Devices and Applications Technology | N. Matsuda | Recent Trends in Optical Quantum Computing | |
19 | 2021/10 | FRIS Hub Meeting | F. Kaneda | Stacking small photons: multiplexed photon sources | |
20 | Invited | 2021/10 | Tohoku University Electrical Information Industry-Academia-Government Forum 2021 | N. Matsuda | Quantum computation using silicon optical integrated circuits |
21 | 2021/9 | 26th Microoptics Conference | F. Yang, M. Fukunaga, K. Edamatsu, H. Yokoyama, H. Yamada, N. Matsuda | Correlated Photon Pairs Generation from a Silicon Micro-Ring Resonator with a Gain-Switched Laser Diode | |
22 | 2021/7 | Work shop on 19 Low temperature detectors | Y. Miura, S. Takasu, K. Hattori, D. Fukuda | Development of transition-edge sensor with high counting rate | |
23 | Invited | 2021/6 | The 2nd Workshop hosted by SNT, Technical Committee on System NanoTechnology | N. Matsuda | Current Status and Future Prospects of Quantum Computing Technology Using Optical Integrated Circuits |
24 | Invited | 2021/5 | IEEE International Symposiumon Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) 2021 | N. Matsuda | Quantum Information Processing Using Integrated Photonics |
25 | Invited | 2021/5 | IEEE Sendai Life Members Affinity Group (LMAG) 1st Lecture | N. Matsuda | Optical integrated circuit devices for quantum computing |
Basic Foundation Research (Development of quantum atomic magnetometer with dual quantum noise squeezing)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | K. Shibata, N. Sekiguchi, A. Torii, J. Takai, T. Hirano | Sensitive atomic magnetometer beyond the standard quantum limit | |
2 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | N. Sekiguchi, J. Takai, K. Shibata, T. Hirano | Spin squeezing of a Bose condensate induced by quantum nondemolition imaging | |
3 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | J. Takai, K. Shibata, N. Sekiguchi, T. Hirano | Suppression of nonlinear spin evolution in Bose-Einstein condensate by dual color probe | |
4 | 2021/9 | JSAP Autumn Meeting | K. Shibata, N. Sekiguchi, A. Torii, J. Takai, T. Hirano | Precise magnetometry with a spin squeezed ultracold gas and squeezed light |
Basic Foundation Research (Development of Spectroscopic techniques based on cutting-edge quantum optics toward elucidating functions of complex molecular systems)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | Research Group Theoretical Chemistry of Condensed Matter | Y. Fujihashi, M. Higashi, M. Ishizaki | Theory of time-resolved spectroscopy using quantum entangled photons: application to photosynthetic proteins | |
2 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | Y. Fujihashi, A. Ishizaki | Theoretical study on time-resolved spectroscopy of photosynthetic light-harvesting systems using quantum entangled photons | |
3 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | T. Kuwna,H. Ooshima,M. Yabuno,F. China,S. Miki,H. Terai,R. Shimizu | Polarization multiplexing of ultrafast single-photon detection using optical Kerr gating | |
4 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | H. Seki, K. Hashimoto, J. Ishihara, K. Miyajima, R. Shimizu | Temperature dependence of entanglement for photon pairs generated via biexciton | |
5 | 2022/1 | Online Symposium, Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto University | Y. Fujihashi, M. Higashi, M. Ishizaki | Theoretical analysis of time-resolved spectra of Fenna-Matthews-Olson proteins using quantum entangled photon pairs | |
6 | 2022/1 | The 42st Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan | T. Endo, T. Haochen, A. Asahara, K. Minoshima | Simplified Selective Phase Utilization Spectroscopy in Dual-Com lasers | |
7 | 2021/12 | The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies | A. Ishizaki | Probing Exciton Dynamics with Quantum Entangled Photons | |
8 | 2021/12 | The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies | A. Ishizaki | Quantum Coherence in Energy Transfer | |
9 | 2021/12 | 4th. IFQMS/ QI 2021 | K. Chen, R. Shimizu | Phase retrieval of joint spectral amplitude | |
10 | 2021/12 | 4th. IFQMS/ QI 2021 | H. Oshima, F. China, M. Yabuno, S. Miki, H. Terai, R. Shimizu | Temporal shaping of an entangled-photon wave packet by Fourier optical synthesis | |
11 | 2021/12 | 4th. IFQMS/ QI 2021 | H. Seki, K. Hashimoto, J. Ishihara, K. Miyajima, R, Shimizu | Selective measurement of biexciton luminescence by photon correlation spectroscopy | |
12 | 2021/12 | Short-term workshop "Expansion of Molecular Solid State Research: New Materials and New Phenomena" at Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo | A. Ishizaki | Dynamics in light-harvesting systems viewed as quantum dissipative systems | |
13 | 2021/11 | Laser Society of Japan 558th Workshop "Next Generation Fiber Laser Technology" | T. Hasegawa, Y. Kusumi, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. Minoshima | Coherent synchronization using mechanical noise sharing in two-wavelength fiber comb | |
14 | 2021/11 | Laser Society of Japan 558th Workshop "Next Generation Fiber Laser Technology" | T. Endo, Y. Kusumi, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. Minoshima | Simplified phase-utilizing spectroscopy using a mechanically noise-shared integrated dual-com fiber laser system | |
15 | 2021/11 | 11th Asian Photochemistry Conference APC2021 | A. Ishizaki | Probing excited-state dynamics with quantum entangled photons:Correspondence to coherent multidimensional spectroscopy | |
16 | 2021/10 | ASOMEA-X 2021 | A. Ishizaki | Investigating Excited-state Dynamics in Molecules with Quantum Light | |
17 | 2021/10 | Optics & Photonics Japan 2021 | T. Hasegawa, Y. Kusumi, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. Minoshima | Evaluation of relative coherence between optical combs of different wavelength bands synchronized by a machine-sharing mechanism | |
18 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | K. Chen, R. Shimizu | Development of a two-photon detection system with spatial resolution | |
19 | 2021/9 | The Physical Society of Japan, 2021 Autumn Meeting | H. Oshima, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. Miki, H. Terai, R. Shimizu | Shaping of an entangled-photon wave packet with Fourier transform operation | |
20 | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | Y. Fujihashi, A. Ishizaki | Theoretical analysis of early photosynthetic processes by time-resolved quantum entanglement spectroscopy | |
21 | 2021/9 | The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society | A. Ishizaki | Early Photosynthetic Process Research Challenged by Quantum Science 2008-2021 | |
22 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | T. Endo, Y. Kusumi, A.i Asahara, K. Minoshima | Investigation of phase-sensitive spectroscopy using mechanical-sharing dual-comb laser | |
23 | 2021/9 | The 82th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021 | S. Sakuma, H. Oshima, T. Hasegawa, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. Minoshima | Study on generation and time-resolved detection of entangled photons by optical frequency combs | |
24 | 2021/6 | Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Excitons:Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Mechanics and Applications | A. Ishizaki | Probing excited-state dynamics with quantum entangled photons:Correspondence to coherent multidimensional spectroscopy | |
25 | 2021/5 | Ochanomizu Women's University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Physics Classroom Seminar | A. Ishizaki | Dynamics in Complex Molecular Systems from a Quantum Science Perspective | |
26 | 2021/5 | The 8th Online Seminar on Molecular Solids, Japan Society for Molecular Science (JSMS) | A. Ishizaki | Dynamics in Complex Molecular Systems from a Quantum Science Perspective | |
27 | 2021/4 | The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2021) | T. Hasegawa, Y. Kusumi, S. Sakuma, A. Asahara, Y. Nakajima, R. Shimizu, K. Minoshima | High-precision mutual control of two-color fiber combs | |
28 | 2021/4 | The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2021) | H. Seki, D. Son, Y. Uchibori, J. Ishihara, K. Miyajima, R. Shimizu | Joint spectral intensity of two-photon emission from biexciton |
Basic Foundation Research (Material science of complex defects for highly-sensitive quantum sensors)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | T. Kageura, Y. Sasama, C. Shinei, T. Teraji, K. Yamada, S. Onoda, T. Yamaguchi | Charge Stability of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Lightly Boron-Doped Diamond | |
2 | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, R. Sailer, J. Lang, C. Findler, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | Coherence Time Evaluation of NV Centers Created by Phthalocyanine Ion Implantation. | |
3 | Invited | 2022/3 | The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022 | T. Teraji | Diamond crystal growth for quantum magnetic sensing |
4 | 2022/3 | Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2022–SBDD XXVI | C. Osterkamp, P. Balasubramanian, G. Wolff, T. Teraji, M. Nesladek, F. Jelezko | Benchmark for synthesized diamond sensors based on isotopically engineered nitrogen-vacancy spin ensembles for magnetometry applications | |
5 | 2021/12 | Advanced Quantum Life Science Forum 2021 Winter Meeting | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | NV Center Formation Technology Using Organic Compound Ion Beam | |
6 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | K. Kimura, S. Onoda, K. Yamada, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, O. Hanaizumi, T. Ohshima | DevelopmentofphthalocyanineionbeamforcreationofmultipleNVcenters | |
7 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. Teraji | Exploring NV center formation condition for high Econv and charge-state ratio of NV- and NV0 centers | |
8 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | M. MiyakawaC. ChineiT. TaniguchiT. Teraji | Synthesis of HPHT diamond with controlled nitrogen concentration | |
9 | 2021/11 | The 35th Diamond Symposium | C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. Teraji | Negative charge fraction of NV center - interpretation by equation of equilibrium state | |
10 | Invited | 2021/11 | NIMS WEEK 2021 | T. Teraji | Diamond crystal growth for quantum magnetic sensor applications |
11 | Invited | 2021/10 | The 50th Japan Conference on Crystal Growth | T. Teraji | Diamond Chemical Vapor Deposition for Quantum Device Applications |
12 | Invited | 2021/7 | The 59th Sensor & Actuator Technology Symposium | T. Teraji | Diamond CVD growth for electronic and quantum devices |
13 | 2021/6 | NDNC2020/2021 | S. Ishii, S. Onoda, S. Saiki, Y. Masuyama, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, T. Teraji, Y. Kamitsubo, T. Sekiguchi, M. Hatano, J. Isoya, T. Ohshima | Effect of P1 concentration on NV centers created by electron beam irradiation | |
14 | 2021/6 | NDNC2020/2021 | T. Kageura, Y. Sasama, C. Shinei, T. Teraji, K. Yamada, S. Onoda, T. Yamaguchi | Charge Stability of Single Shallow NV Centers in High Purity Diamond | |
15 | 2021/6 | NDNC2020/2021 | M. MiyakawaT. Taniguchi | Growth of diamond crystals containing P1 centers with controlled concentration | |
16 | Invited | 2021/4 | 2021 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit | T. Teraji | Growth of High-Purity Diamond Films and Doping for Quantum Device Applications |
Basic Foundation Research (Development of next generation high-performance inertial quantum sensors)
Category | Date | Conferences | Authors | Titles | |
1 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | T. Yamazaki, T. Hojo, K. Takamura, K. Nakagawa | Development of a portable gravimeter using atom interferometer(2) measurement of Gravty | |
2 | 2022/3 | 77th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of Japan | T. Hojo, T. Yamazaki, K. Takamura, K. Nakagawa | Dvelopment of a potable gravimeter using atom interferomter (1) laser source | |
3 | 2021/12 | 4th IFQMS / QI 2021 | K. Nakagawa | Development of transportable atomic gravimeters for field applications |