This research is supported by MEXT Q-LEAP (Quantum Leap Flagship Program).

Flagship Project (Development of innovative sensor systems by highly sophisticated control of solid quantum sensors)

12024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Itabashi, F. Otsubo, H. Tabuchi, T. Tanaka, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Tokuda, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-HayasWide-field multiplexed imaging of temperature and AC magnetic field using RF-dressed states of electron spins in diamond
22024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024R. Kitagawa, A. Nakatsuka, T. Kohashi, T. Tsuji, H. Nitta, K. Mizuno, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. HatanoImaging of up-to-MHz AC magnetization characteristics of soft magnetic thin film for power electronics by diamond quantum sensors
32024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Hatano, J. Tanigawa, A. Nakazono, T. Sekiguchi, Y. Kainuma, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoPrecise Current Monitor of Electric Vehicle Battery with Diamond Quantum Sensor
42024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024H. Muramatsu, Y. Kainuma, Y. Hatano, Y. Amagai, H. Kato, N. Sakamoto, C. Urano, N. Kaneko, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiDevelopment of the sensor head for a current comparator using a diamond quantum sensor
52024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, Y. Masuyama, H. Abe, T. OhshimaCreation of NV- center in type-Ib diamonds by electron beam irradiation and high temperature post-annealing
62024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Miyamoto, T. Makino, H. KatoFirst-principles simulation on lase-induced dynamics of nitrogen doped diamond
72024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024A. Yoshimura, N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, Y. Kainuma, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoDeveloping a sensitive diamond quantum sensor system for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat
82024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024T. Sekiguchi, T. Taniguchi, M. Miyakawa, C. Shinei, H. Abe, S. Onoda, S. Saiki, S. Ishii, T. Teraji, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoMaterial Properties of Diamond and Their Effects on the DC Field Sensitivity for NV-Ensemble Magnetometer
92024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024N. Sekiguchi, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoSensitivity dependence on an excitation-light intensity in diamond-based magnetometry
102024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Kainuma, Y. Hatano, T. Shibata, N. Sekiguchi, A. Nakazono, H.u Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiHigh sensitivity and stable compact diamond quantum magnetometer sensor head
112024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024K. Okajima, N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, N. MizuochiIonization path in photoelectrical spin detection of Si vacancy in SiC
122024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024K. Takada, R. Katsumi, T. Hizawa, S. Naruse, K. Kawai, D. Sato, T. YatsuiHybrid integration of a diamond waveguide onto silicon nitride waveguide
132024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024T. Itagaki, R. Katsumi, K. Hashimoto, T. YatsuiFlattening the side surface of diamond substrate by the near-field etching
142024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024R. Katsumi, K. Takada, T. Hizawa, S. Naruse, K. Kawai, D. Sato, T. YatsuiFlip-pick-and-place transfer printing integration of a quantum sensor based on diamond nanobeam
152024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Yamazaki, R. Akashi, M. Hanawa, K. Murata, S. Sato, M. Miyawaki, S. Entani, Y. Masuyama, Y. Matsushita, H. Tsuchida, K. Makoto, O. TakeshiDependence of SiC-silicon vacancy charge state stability on doping conditions
162024/3APS March Meeting 2024R. Kitagawa, A. Nakatsuka, T. Kohashi, T. Tsuji, H. Nitta, Y. Takamura, S. Nakagawa, T. Iwasaki, A. Yacoby, M. HatanoImaging of magnetization response of soft magnetic thin film using diamond quantum sensors with wide frequency range
172024/3APS March Meeting 2024N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Yoshimura, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, M. Sekino, T. IwasakiSensitive diamond-based magnetometry toward magnetoencephalography of a living animal
182024/3APS March Meeting 2024E. D. Herbschleb, S. Chigusa, R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, M. Hazumi, K. Nakayama, N. MizuochiRobust quantum sensing via statistics
192024/2Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIIIT. Teraji, C. Shinei, Y. MasuyamaHydrogen incorporation in nitrogen-doped CVD diamond
202024/2Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIIIR. Kawase, H. Kawashima, H. Kato, N. Tokuda, S. Yamasaki, M. Ogura, T. Makino, N. MizuochiSynthesis of P-doped diamond using tert-butyl phosphine toward the high sensitivity quantum sensor of the NV center
212024/2Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIIIC. Shinei, Y. Masuyama, H. Abe, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. TerajiIn-plane strain distribution in HPHT diamond detected by ODMR of NV- centers
222024/2Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIIIY. Hatano, K. Kajiyama, M. Haruyama, Y. Kainuma, H. Kato, M. Ogura, T. Makino, H. Noguchi, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoHeteroepitaxial CVD diamond quantum sensors for electric vehicle battery current monitor
232024/2Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2024 - SBDD XXVIIIY. Araki, I. Fujisaki, Z. Li, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoSensitivity enhancement of a diamond quantum sensor with continuously excited Ramsey protocol
24 Keynote/Invited2024/2Quantum Australia 2024T. SakaiJapan’s National Quantum Technology Strategy
25 Keynote/Invited2024/2IQSTM. HatanoPotential of diamond quantum sensors ~Collaboration past / present, and future ~
262023/12The 3rd Materials Research Meeting/The 24th the International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023)H. Morishita, N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Yao, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, N. MizuochiSpin-Dependent Photocarrier Generation Dynamics in NV-Based Quantum Sensor with Electrical Detection Technique
27 Keynote/Invited2023/12ICAMD2023 Quantum Technology with Defects in Semiconductors (QTDS)N. Morioka, H. Morishita, T. Nishikawa, N.MizuochiElectrical Spin Detection in Diamond and Silicon Carbide for Quantum Technologies
282023/112023 MRS Fall Meeting & ExhibitY. Asano, K. Hayasaka, M. Ueda, K. Kimura, T. Tanii, S. Onoda, S. Enomoto, H. KawaradaThe Highest Concentration NV Ensembles Formed by Heavily Nitrogen-Doping CVD System with Plasma Confinement and High Density Vacancy Formation by Focused Electron Beam Irradiation
292023/112023 MRS Fall Meeting & ExhibitR. Katsumi, K. Takada, S. Naruse, K. Kawai, D. Sato, T. Hizawa, T. YatsuiPick-flip-and-place hybrid integration of a single-crystal diamond nanobeam with an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy centers
30 Keynote/Invited2023/112023 International Workshop of Spin/Quantum Materials and Devices (IWSQMD 2023)Y. Yamazaki, T. Tanaka, M. Kohda, T. OhshimaDevelopment of silicon vacancy based quantum sensor for direct measurement inside silicon carbide devices
312023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSZ.n Li, I. Fujisaki, Y. Araki, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoInvestigation on Sensitivity Parameters of Diamond Quantum Sensors Controlled by Continuously Excited Ramsey Protocol
322023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Nishi, Y. Oiso, M. Hatano, T. Amemiya, N. NishiyamaLoss Reduction of SiN waveguide in green light for Diamond NV excitation
332023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Kato, M. Haruyama, H. Kato, M. Ogura, T. MakinoStress Imaging of Ensemble NV Diamond Layer
342023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Kainuma, Y. Shigenobu, Y. Hatano, T. Shibata, H. Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiHighly sensitive compact quantum sensor head with NV center in angle-shaped diamond
352023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Araki, I. Fujisaki, Z. Li, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoContinuously Excited Ramsey Simulation for High Sensitive Magnetometry
362023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Aoki, T. Sekiguchi, T. Shibata, T. Taniguchi, M. Miyakawa, C. Shinei, S.Onoda, S. Saiki, S. Ishii, T. Teraji, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiEffects of Optical Excitation on the Ramsey Magnetometry of Ensemble NV Centers in Diamond
372023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSX. Cao, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, M. SekinoMagnetoencephalography with wearable magnetometers and active noise canceler for real-time tracking and denoising
382023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSW. Shang, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, M. SekinoReconstruction of cardiac current source by magnetocardiography with cylindrical sensor array
392023/11QI2023/6th IFQMST. Tsuji, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoIncreasing T2* of ensemble NV centers by reduction of stress distribution in CVD diamond film
402023/11QI2023/6th IFQMST. Tanaka, Y. Yamazaki, D. Hisamoto, T. OhshimaSimultaneous magnetic field and temperature measurements by simultaneously-resonated optically detected magnetic resonance using silicon vacancy quantum sensor: reduction of measurement time by time division method
412023/11QI2023/6th IFQMST. Mikawa, M. Yuichiro, R. Okaniwa, T. N. Ikeda, N. Tokuda, J. Ishi HayaseElectron-spin double resonance in diamond under a strong RF field
422023/11QI2023/6th IFQMST. Kohashi, M. Koguchi, A. Shiotake, S. OnoStudy of NVC probe fabricated by focused ion beam
432023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSS. Shido, M. Hasegawa, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, M. SekinoDevelopment of a wearable active magnetic shield for magnetoencephalography under head motion
442023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSS. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, Y. Masuyama, H. Abe, T. OhshimaCreation of NV- center in type-Ib diamonds by high temperature post-annealing
452023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSR. Suzuki, T. Mikawa, R. Okaniwa, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Tokuda, J. Ishi-HayaseAnalysis of electron spin double resonance spectra in diamond using Lindblad master equation
462023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSR. Okaniwa, T. Mikawa, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Yamaguchi, R. Suzuki, N. Tokuda, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, K. Sasaki, K. Kobayashi, J. Ishi-HayaseCW-ODMR-based frequency-tunable magnetometry utilizing RF double-dressed states with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
472023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSR. Kitagawa, T. Kohashi, T. Tsuji, S. Nagata, A. Nakatsuka, H. Nitta, Y. Takamura, S. Nakagawa, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoWidefield imaging of the magnetization process in soft magnetic-thin film using diamond quantum sensors
482023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSR. Kawase, H. Kawashima, H. Kato, N. Tokuda, S. Yamasaki, M.asahiko Ogura, T. Makino, N. MizuochiControl of impurity incorporation into CVD diamond toward long coherence time of the NV center by optimizing pressure
49 Keynote/Invited2023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSN. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Yoshimura, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Oshima, M. Hatano, M. Sekino, T. IwasakiDiamond-based magnetometer with dc sensitivity below 10 pT Hz^-1/2 for magnetoencephalography
502023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSM. Haruyama, Y. Kato, M. Ogura, H. Kato, T. MakinoCharge state manipulation of nitrogen vacancy centers by using diamond MOS structure
512023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSM. Fushimi, S. Funatani, M. SekinoMeasurement of somatosensory evoked potentials against whisker stimulation for high-resolution magnetoencephalography of small animals
522023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSM. Fujiwara, S. Inoue, S. Masuno, H. Fu, S. Tokita, M. Hashida, N. MizuochiCreation of NV centers in diamond over a wide region by single-shot femtosecond laser pulse
532023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Takeda, T. Tsuji, P. Wang, K. Oba, K. Ikeda, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiCharge State Control of Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Using Surface Termination
542023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Takada, R. Katsumi, T. YatsuiA diamond chiral waveguide structure for nanoscale magnetometry
552023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Oba, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiLong spin relaxation time of a lead-vacancy center in diamond
562023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Kimura, S. Onoda, S. Daimon, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, T. Baba, M. Goto, O. Hanaizumi, T. OhshimaQuantum state tomography with NV-NV pair for quantum sensing application
572023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Kajiyama, M. Haruyama, Y. Hatano, Y. Kainuma, H. Kato, M. Ogura, T. Makino, H. Noguchi, H. Abe, Shinobu Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiCurrent monitoring for electric vehicle batteries using heteroepitaxial CVD diamond quantum sensors
582023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Ikeda, Y. Chen, P. Wang, Y. Miyamoto, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiExploring Charge-state Dynamics of a Tin-Vacancy Center in Diamond by Time-Resolved Measurements
592023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSH. Muramatsu, Y. Kainuma, Y. Hatano, Y. Amagai, H. Kato, N. Sakamoto, C. Urano, N. Kaneko, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiA diamond quantum sensor for electrical metrology
60 Keynote/Invited2023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSH. KatoPlasma CVD engineering of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers for quantum sensing
612023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSE. D. Herbschleb, S. Chigusa, R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, M. Hazumi, K. Nakayama, N. MizuochRobust quantum sensing via the standard deviation
622023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSE. D. Herbschleb, R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, H. Kato, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, S. Onoda, K. Kimura, T. Ohshima, N. MizuochiCoupling nitrogen vacancy centres for sensitivity improvement
632023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSC. Shinei, Y. Masuyama, M. Miyakawa, H. Abe, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. TokuyukiDipole-dipole interaction between NV- center and nitrogen related defects
642023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSA. Yoshimura, N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Kitada, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoDevelopment of sensitive diamond quantum sensor for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat
652023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSA. Nakatsuka, R. Kitagawa, T. Kohashi, T. Tsuji, S. Nagata, H. Nitta, Y. Takamura, S. Nakagawa, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoImaging AC magnetization response of soft magnetic thin film using diamond quantum sensors
662023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSA. Kuwahata, Y. Murata, H. Tanaka, Y. Masuyama, K. Arai, R. Katsumi, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano, R. Igarashi, T. Ohshima, F. Jelezko, T. Yatsui, M. SekinoDevelopment of diamond NV magnetometer with optical fiber array
672023/11SEST2023S. Saiki, S. Ishii, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. OhshimaStudy on NV-center creation with electron irradiation in Ib-type diamond
682023/1168th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2023)X. Cao, M. Fushimi, S. Chikaki, A. Kuwahata, M. SekinoFeasibility study on on-board magnetoencephalography with optically pumped magnetometers
69 Keynote/Invited2023/1026th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, 18th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission ( OhshimaQuantum Sensing using Spin Defects Locally Created in Silicon Carbide Devices by Microbeam
70 Keynote/Invited2023/10Quantum Effect(Exhibition and Conference for Quantum Technology)Start-up ForumT. SakaiDiamond NV Quantum Sensor Research in Q-LEAP
71 Keynote/Invited2023/10Advanced Research Workshop on Biotechnology and human enhancement: present research and future perspectives ( )T. OhshimaSpin Defects in Silicon Carbide as Quantum Technology
722023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023R. Suzuki, T. Mikawa, R. Okaniwa, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Tokuda, J. Ishi-HayaseAnalysis of Electron Spin Double Resonance Spectra in Diamond Using Lindblad Master Equation
732023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Chen, K. Ikeda, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiCharge state dynamics of a tin-vacancy center in diamond
742023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Kazuki Oba1, Peng Wang1, Takashi Taniguchi2, Mutsuko Hatano1, Takayuki Iwasaki1 Spin Selective Excitation of a PbV Center in Diamond
752023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023A. Yoshimura, N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Kitada, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoDeveloping a sensitive diamond quantum sensor system for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat
762023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Kainuma, Y. Hatano, T. Shibata, H. Kato, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano,, T. IwasakiDiamond NV magnetometer sensor head for high sensitivity and miniaturization
772023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023R. Okaniwa, Y. Matsuzaki, R. Suzuki, N. Tokuda, J. Ishi-HayaseMicrowave Sensing using RF-Dressed States with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
782023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023K. Kimura, S. Onoda, W. Kada, T. Teraji, J. Isoya, T. Baba, M. Goto, O. Hanaizumi, T. OhshimaGeneration of Entanglement State between NV Center Pair Created by Molecular Ion Implantation
792023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023T. Tanaka, Y. Yamazaki, D. Hisamoto, T. OhshimaMeasurement time reduction by time division method for simultaneous measurement of magnetic field and temperature by simultaneously-resonated optically detected magnetic resonance using silicon vacancy based quantum sensor
802023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023K. Okura, K. Hayashi, T. An, J. Ishi-HayaseDevelopment of an Atomic Force Microscope with Diamond Probe Containing Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers for Magnetic Field Imaging
812023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023H. Kawashima, R. Kawase, H. Kato, N. Tokuda, S. Yamasaki, M. Ogura, T. Makino, N. Morioka, N. MizuochiHall mobility of phosphorus doped n-type (111) diamond films doped with TBP
822023/92023 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM)Y. Yamazaki, N. Miyawak1, M. Hanawa, K. Murat, R. Akash, S. Entani, K. Hari, H. Tsuchida, Y. Matsushita, M. Kohda, T. OhshimaEffect of doping type and concentration on optical and spin properties of silicon vacancies in SiC
832023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Nishi, Y. Oiso, M. Hatano, T. Amemiya, N. NishiyamaFabrication of silicon nitride waveguides for green-light
842023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Takahashi, Yu. Kinoshita, K. Akahane, J. Ishi-Hayase,Ultrafast Uniformed Quantum Manipulation using Chirped Pulses in InAs Quantum Dot Ensemble with Resonator
852023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023S. Naruse, R. Katsumi, T. Hizawa, D. Sato, K. Kawai, K. Takada, T. YatsuiDesign and fabrication of a diamond racetrack resonator with high quality-factor
862023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023R. Kitagawa, S. Nagata, T. Kohashi, A. Nakatsuka, T. Tsuji, H. Nitta, K. Mizuno, Y. Takamura, T.i Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. HatanoImaging of magnetization dynamics of soft magnetic thin film for power electronics by diamond quantum sensors
872023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Hatano, J. Tanigawa, A. Nakazono, T. Sekiguchi, Y.Kainuma, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoVerification of Robustness in Electric Vehicle Battery Monitoring with Diamond Quantum Sensor
882023/9The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023D. Sato, R. Katsumi, T. Hizawa, S. Naruse, K. Takada, K. Kawai, T. YatsuiInvestigation of a diamond NV nano-laser based on a plasmonic cavity using transfer printing
892023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Y. Araki, I. Fujisaki, Z. Li, Y. Hatano, T. Sekiguchi, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoSensitivity improvement of Diamond Quantum Sensors by Continuously Excited Ramsey Method
902023/92023 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM)N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Abe, H. Morishita, T. Ohshima, N. MizuochiElectrical detection of nuclear spins in silicon carbide using silicon vacancy quantum spins in ambient conditions
91 Keynote/Invited2023/9Symposium Silicon Carbide as Quantum-Classical PlatformT. OhshimaSensing in SiC devices using silicon vacancy created by particle beam writing technique
922023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsP. Wang, L. Kazak, K. Senkalla, P. Siyushev, R. Abe, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, H. Kato, T. Makino, M. Hatano, F. Jelezko, T. IwasakiTransform-limited single photon emission from a lead-vacancy center in diamond
932023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsR. Abe, P. Wang, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, M. Hatano, T. IwasakiNarrow inhomogeneous distribution of lead-vacancy centers in diamond
942023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsT. Mikawa, Y. Matsuzaki, T. N. Ikeda, R. Okaniwa, R. Suzuki, N. Tokuda, H. Watanabe, J. Ishi-HayaseAnalysis of RF-dressed states of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond by the Floquet theory
952023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsR. Suzuki, H. Tabuchi, T. Mikawa, R. Okaniwa, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Tokuda, J. Ishi-HayaseAnalysis of electron spin double resonance spectra in diamond using Lindblad master equation
962023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsF. Otsubo, T. Mikawa, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Tokuda, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-HayaseWide-field imaging of AC magnetic field generated by micro-circuit with RF-dressed states of electron spins in diamond
97 Keynote/Invited2023/9Quantum 2023T. OhshimaQuantum Sensing in Silicon Carbide Devices using Locally Formed Silicon Vacancy
98 Keynote/Invited2023/9Quantum 2023T. IwasakiDiamond Quantum Emitters Based on Heavy Group-IV Elements
992023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsP. Wang, L. Kazak, K. Senkalla, P. Siyushev, R. Abe, T. Taniguchi, S. Onoda, H. Kato, T. Makino, M. Hatano, F. Jelezko, T. IwasakiTransform-limited single photon emission from a lead-vacancy center in diamond
1002023/933rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon MaterialsR. Okaniwa, T. Mikawa, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Yamaguchi, R. Suzuki, N. Tokuda, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, K. Sasaki, K. Kobayashi, J. Ishi-HayaseFrequency-tunable MHz-range AC magnetometry using RF double-dressed states based on CW-ODMR measurement
101 Keynote/Invited2023/9The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023)N. MizuochiManipulation and creation of NV centers in diamond by laser irradiation
1022023/92023 International Conference on Solid State Devices and MaterialsK. Hayasaka, K. Kanehisa, M. Ueda, K. Kimura, T. Tanii, S. Onoda, S. Enomoto, H. KawaradaThe high concentration NV ensemble formed from heavily nitrogen-doped CVD diamond with high quality
103 Keynote/Invited2023/9The 65th Fullerenes-Nanotubes-Graphene General SymposiumM. Fujiwara, S. Inoue, S. Masuno, H. Fu, S. Tokita, M. Hashida, N. MizuochiCreation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond over a wide region by single-shot femtosecond laser pulse
104 Keynote/Invited2023/921st international conference on radiation effects in insulators (REI) S. OnodaColor Centers in Diamond Fabricated by Ion and Electron beam for Quantum Technologies
105 Keynote/Invited2023/7The 107th AIST Techno Salon “The Frontier of Materials Measurement”Y. HatanoIndustrial and Bioinstrumentation Applications of Diamond Solid-State Quantum Sensors.
1062023/72023 Quantum Sensing Gordon Research ConferenceN. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, A. Yoshimura, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Oshima, M. Hatano, M. Sekino, T. IwasakiDiamond quantum magnetometer with a sensitivity of 13.4 pT Hz^–1/ toward biomagnetic measurement
107招待/基調2023/7Q2B 2023 TokyoM. HatanoPotential of diamond quantum sensors
108招待/基調2023/6IUMRS-International conference on advanced maerials & 11th International conference on materials for advanced technologiesT. OhshimaQuantum Sensing using silicon vacancy locally created in SiC devices by particle beam writing
1092023/6SPICE Workshop on Quantum Spinoptics R. Kitagawa, S. Nagata, R. Matsuki, K. Arai, K. Mizuno, T. Kohashi, Y. Takamura, T. Iwasaki, S. Nakagawa, M. HatanoCharacterization of electric field control of magnetic domain structure in piezoelectric-magnetostrictive multiferroic hybrid structure using diamond quantum imager
1102023/5INTERMAG 2023M. FushimiMultipole Model-Based Current Source Identification Method for the Magnetoencephalography Inverse Problem
1112023/5INTERMAG 2023H. Morishita, N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Yao, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, .N. MizuochiSpin-Dependent Photocarrier Generation Dynamics in Electrically Detected Nitrogen-Vacancy-Based Quantum Sensor

Basic Foundation Research (Research on quantum sensing devices using quantum entangled photons)

12024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024K. Shimazaki, K. Suzuki, K. Sakamoto, Y. Okashiro, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, H. Takashima, S. TakeuchiCryogenic evaluation of Silicon-vacancy centers in nanodiamonds created by ion implantation
22024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Yamada, Y. Mukai, H. Takashima, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiRealization of Nonlinear Quantum Interferometer with Fiberized Path
32024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024R. Miyata, M. Nuriya, Y. Eto, S. TakeuchiThe interference fringes observed in the spectrum of parametric down-converted light
42024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024K. TanakaSimultaneous generation of visible-infrared entangled-photon pairs with periodically poled crystal
52024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024Y. Taniguchi, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiWavelength Tunable Broadband Generation of Visible-Far Infrared Entangled Photon Pairs in GaSe Crystal
62024/3International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2024R. Okamoto, Y. Mukai, S. TakeuchiQuantum enhanced optical sensing using entangled light
72024/3International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2024K. Shimazaki, K. Suzuki, K. Sakamoto, Y. Okashiro, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, H. Takashima, S. TakeuchiCryogenic temperature evalution of nanodiamonds containing silicon-vacancy centers by Ion implantation
82024/3International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2024J. Kaur, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiStudy on spectral resolution of quantum fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
92024/3International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2024G. Park, R. Okamoto, H. F. Hofmann, S. TakeuchiExperimental demonstration of W-state projection measurement based on cyclic qubit-shift symmetry
102024/2SPIE Photonics West 2024S. Takeuchi, T. TashimaUltra-broadband quantum infrared spectroscopy
112023/11QI2023/6th IFQMST. Kurita, R. Okamoto, M. Arahata, T. Tashima, H. Ota, K. Tokuda, S. TakeuchiQuantum infrared spectroscopy with ATR method
122023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSG. Park, R. Okamoto, H F. Hofmann, S. TakeuchiExperimental criteria for the classification of multi-photon correlations
132023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSS. Mima, F. China, M. Yabuno, S. Miyajima, S. Miki, Y. Gama, T. Tashima, M. Arahata, Y. Mukai, R.o Okamoto, Sh. Takeuchi, H. TeraiEvaluation of a superconducting nanostrip single photon detector for mid-infrared wavelengths
142023/10Technical Committee on Superconductive Electronics (SCE)F. China, M. Yabuno, S. Mima, S. Miyajima, H. Terai, S. MikiFabrication and evaluation of superconducting nanostrip single-photon detectors for 2-μm wavelength band
152023/10Okinawa School in Physics 2023 : Coherent Quantum DynamicsS. TakeuchiPhotonic quantum science and technology
162023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Toshiyuki Tashima, Yu Mukai, Ryo Okamoto, Masaya Arahata, Norihide Oda, Mamoru Hisamitsu, Katsuhiko Tokuda, Shigeki TakeuchiBroadband quantum infrared spectroscopy using a chirped quasi-phase matching device
172023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023N. Oda, T. Tashima, B. Cao, N. Abe, Y. Mukai, M. Hisamistu, K. Tokuda, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiAnalysis of visible-infrared entangled photon pairs using a chirped SLT quasi-phase matching device
182023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023T. Kurita, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, M. Arahata, T. Tashima, H. Ota, K. Tokuda, S. TakeuchiApplication of ATR method in Quantum infrared spectroscopy
192023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023S. Mima, F. China, M. Yabuno, H. Terai, S. MikiEvaluation of a superconducting nanostrip single photon detector for mid-infrared
202023/92023 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM)M. Kaneko, H. Takashima, S. Takeuchi, T. KimotoDensity control of single-photon sources formed at a SiO2/SiC interfac
212023/9Quantum 2023S. TakeuchiUltra-broadband quantum infrared spectriscopy
222023/9Quantum 2023G. Park, R. Okamoto, H. F Holger, S. TakeuchiExperimental demonstration of multiphoton quantum correlation beyond the linear optics limit
232023/8SPIE Optics+PhotonicsS. TakeuchiGeneration and manipulation of broadband frequency entangled photons
242023/8SPIE Optics+PhotonicsJ. Kaur, Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiEffect of pump laser linewidth on nonlinear quantum interferometric fringes
252023/6KU-VUW Joint Workshop 2023S. TakeuchiQuantum information technologies using photons-entangled photon sources, single light emitters, and their applications-
262023/6CLEO Europe 2023S. Takahashi, S. Kusaba, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Yanagi, .K. TanakaSecond-order nonlinearity of excitons in hBN-encapsulated monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
272023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)G. Park, R. Okamoto, H. F. Hofmann, S. TakeuchiExperimental demonstration of multiphoton quantum correlation beyond the linear optics limit
282023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)K. Shimazaki, K. Suzuki, Y. Okashiro, H. Takashima, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, S. TakeuchiCryogenic Temperature Evaluation of Nanodiamonds Containing Silicon-Vacancy Centers by ion implantation
292023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)S. Takeuchi Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for Quantum Entanglement -- Scientists who challenged the question on “physical reality” --
302023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)Y. Mukai, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiQuantum infrared spectroscopy in the fingerprint region
312023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)R. Miyata, M. Nuriya, Y. Eto, S. TakeuchiToward enhanced two-photon absorption using super thermal light
322023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)Y. Okashiro, K. Shimazaki, K. Suzuki, H. Tkashima, I. Ahanorovich, S. TakeuchiSingle photon emission from single defect center in hexagonal boron nitride by Anti-Stokes excitation
332023/5The 48th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT48)J. Kaur, R. Okamoto, S. TakeuchiEffect of pump laser linewidth on nonlinear quantum interferometric fringes

Basic Foundation Research (Establishment of earthquake early alert methods using high-sensitivity gravity gradiometer)

12024/32024 Spring Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanY. Oshima, S. Takano, C. P. Ooi, M. Cao, P. Forsyth, Y. Michimura, K. Komori, M. AndoDevelopment of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (45): Development of Torsion Pendulums and Readout Optics
22024/2International Symposium on Quantum ElectronicsY. OshimaDevelopment of Torsion Pendulums and Readout Optics for Gravity Gradient Observation
32023/12American Geophysical UnionS. Watada, Y. YoshidaPlume Height Estimated from the Earth's Acoustic Resonant Oscillations Excited During Large Volcanic Eruptions
42023/12KAGRA FWG 3rd Open MeetingM. AndoTorPeDO and TOBA for Newtonian Noise Research
52023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSH. Takidera, H. Fujimoto, Y. Oshima, S. Takano, Y. Michimura, K. Komori, M. AndoMeasurement of reflection phase difference between s-polarization and p-polarization for DANCE
62023/10The 2023 SSJ Fall MeetingS. Watada, Y. YoshidaProgress and application of the synthesis of trans-oceanic tsunamis
72023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanY. Oshima,S. Takano,C. P. Ooi,M. Cao,Y. Michimura,K. Komori,M.AndoDevelopment of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (41): Development of Torsion Pendulums and Readout Optics
82023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanS. Takano, Y. Oshima, C. P. Ooi, M. Cao, Y. Michimura, K. Komori, M. Andoevelopment of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (42): Observation of cryogenic monolithic interferometer
92023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanM. Cao, S. Takano,Y. Oshima,C. P. Ooi,Y. Michimura,K. Komori,M. AndoDevelopment of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (43): Development of Tiltmeter
102023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanC. P. Ooi,S. Takano,Y. Oshima,M. Cao,Y. Michimura,K. Komori,M. AndoDevelopment of Phase-III TOBA for Gravitational Wave Observation (44): Suspension thermal noise measurements of torsion pendulums suspended by sapphire fibre at cryogenic temperatures
112023/9The 31st KAGRA F2F meetingS. TakanoNewtonian Noise Measurement with TOrsion-Bar Antenna
122023/9LVK meeting September 2023S. TakanoCryogenic Monolithic Interferometer for TOrsion-Bar Antenna
132023/738th International Cosmic Ray ConferenceY. OshimaDevelopment of Torsion-Bar Antenna for Low-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Observation
142023/5Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023Shingo Watada1, Yasuhiro Yoshida2Plume height estimated from the Earth's acoustic resonant oscillations excited during large volcanic eruptions
152023/5Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023Masayoshi Someya, Shingo Watada, Takashi FurumuraSimultaneous FDM calculation of seismic waves and tsunamis, distinguishing Eulerian and Lagrangian changes
162023/5GWADW 2023Y. OshimaTorsion-Bar Antenna and its Angular Sensor

Basic Foundation Research (Development of quantum atomic magnetometer with dual quantum noise squeezing)

12023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Shibata, T. HiranoPrecise magnetometer with a Bose-Einstein condensate
22023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Shiori, K. Shibata, T. HiranoToward improvement of waveguide based squeezing at 795 nm

Basic Foundation Research (Development of Spectroscopic techniques based on cutting-edge quantum optics toward elucidating functions of complex molecular systems)

12024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024M. Ishizeki, Y. Okura, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaDevelopment of quantum spectroscopy method using non-local correlation of frequency entangled photons for quantum remote sensing in real-world environment
22024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024O. Iso, K. Miyajima, R. ShimizuBiphoton Spectral Measurement with Delay-Line-Anode Single-Photon Detector
3 Keynote/Invited2024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024R. ShimizuControl and detection of time-frequency entangled photons with QPM devices
42024/32024 Spring Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanY. Fujihashi, A. Ishizaki, R. ShimizuPathway selectivity in time-resolved spectroscopy using two-photon coincidence counting with entangled photon pairs
52024/1SPIE Photonics West/ OPTO 2024P. Koviri, H. Komori, M. Ishizeki, H. Tian, T. Kato, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, T. Schibli, K. MinoshimaUltrafast time-resolved single-photon detection using two-color comb based asynchronous optical sampling for quantum applications
62024/1SPIE Photonics West/ LASE 2024H. Komori, P. Koviri, M. Ishizeki, H. Tian, T. Schibli, T. Kato, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaSingle-photon-level femtosecond time-resolved measurement by asynchronous optical sampling with dual-wavelength comb
72023/11OPJ 2023P. Koviri, H. Komori, M. Ishizeki, H. Tian, T. Schibli, T. Kato, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaUltrafast time-resolved up-conversion of single-photons through two-color comb based asynchronous optical sampling
82023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Okura, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. Miki, H. Terai, R. ShimizuSpectral modulation by temporal manipulation of a biphoton wave packet
92023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSY. Fujihashi, K. Miwa, M. Higashi, A. IshizakiProbing exciton dynamics with spectral selectivity through the use of entangled photons: Application to the study of photosynthetic light-harvesting systems
102023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSO. Iso, K. Miyajima, R. ShimizuBiphoton spectral measurement with delay-line-anode single-photon detectors
11 Keynote/Invited2023/11Optics & Photonics Africa 2023K. MinoshimaVersatile control of optical waves with optical frequency combs enables broad applications
12 Keynote/Invited2023/9ISMTII 2023K. MinoshimaPrecision measurements beyond frequency metrology using versatile control of optical waves with optical frequency comb
132023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanY. Okura,T. Naito, M. Yabuno,F. China,S. Miki,H. Terai, R. ShimizuSpectral modulation by time manipulation of quantum entangled photons Ⅲ
142023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanT. Kuwana, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. MikiA, H. Terai, R. ShimizuEstimating temporal resolution of a single-photon detector using optical gating
152023/9Les Houches School of Physics Workshop on Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Functional Molecular Materials and Biological PhotosystemsA. IshizakiProbing exciton dynamics with spectral selectivity through the use of quantum entangled photons
162023/9APLS 2023M. Ishizeki, T. Naito, T. Kuwana, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaDemonstration of Quantum Spectroscopy Method using 2D Spectrum of Telecom-band Frequency Entangled Photons towards Quantum Remote Sensing
172023/7PIERS2023T. Kuwana, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. Miki, H. Terai, P. J. Mosley, R.-B. Jin, R. ShimizuDirect measurement of biphoton temporal distributions with sub-ps resolution by optical Kerr Gating
18 Keynote/Invited2023/7PIERS2023R. ShimizuQuantum optical synthesis of a biphoton wave packet
192023/6CLEO Europe 2023K. MinoshimaOptical frequency comb applications beyond frequency metrology using versatile control of optical waves
20 Keynote/Invited2023/5CLEO 2023K. Minoshima, A. AsaharaHighly Functional Dual-comb Spectroscopy with Versatile Optical Phase Control
212023/4ALPS/OPIC 2023M. Ishizeki, T. Naito, T. Kuwana, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaFundamental study on quantum remote sensing using nonlocal correlation of frequency entangled photon pair generated by ultra-short pulse train for fiber network
222023/4ALPS/OPIC 2023Y. Okura, T. Naito, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. Miki, H. Terai, R. ShimizuSpectral modulation by temporal manipulation of a biphoton wave packet
232023/4ALPS/OPIC 2023T. Kuwana, M. Yabuno, F. China, S. Miki, H. Terai, P. J. Mosley, R.-B. Jin, R. ShimizuMeasurement of biphoton temporal distribution using an optical Kerr gate
242023/4ALPS/OPIC 2023P. Koviri, H. Komori, M. Ishizeki, H. Tian, T. Schibli, T. Kato, A. Asahara, R. Shimizu, K. MinoshimaUltrafast Time-resolved Single-photon Detection Method Using Two-color Asynchronous Optical Sampling

Basic Foundation Research (Material science of complex defects for highly-sensitive quantum sensors)

12024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024T. Tsuji, C. Shinei, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano, T. TerajiReduction of strain distribution in CVD diamond lattice by using substrate with large misorientation angle
22024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024T. Teraji, C. ShineiGrowth of nitrogen-doped CVD diamond (001) free-standing crystals
32024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024A. Yoshimura, N. Sekiguchi, M. Fushimi, Y. Kainuma, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, M. Sekino, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoDeveloping a sensitive diamond quantum sensor system for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat
42024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024T. Sekiguchi, T. Taniguchi, M. Miyakawa, C. Shinei, H. Abe, S. Onoda, S. Saiki, S. Ishii, T. Teraji, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. HatanoMaterial Properties of Diamond and Their Effects on the DC Field Sensitivity for NV-Ensemble Magnetometer
52024/3The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting 2024N. Sekiguchi, C. Shinei, M. Miyakawa, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, T. Iwasaki, M. Hatano Sensitivity dependence on an excitation-light intensity in diamond-based magnetometry
62023/11The 10th Meeting on Advanced Power Semiconductors DivisionT. Teraji, C. ShineiControllability of nitrogen doping in chemical vapor deposition of diamond crystals
72023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSC. Shinei, Y. Masuyama, M. Miyakawa, H. Abe, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. TerajiDipole-dipole interaction between NV- center and nitrogen related defects
82023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Atsumi Yoshimura, Naota Sekiguchi, Motofumi Fushimi, Atsuhiro Kitada, Chikara Shinei, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Tokuyuki Teraji, Shinobu Onoda, Takeshi Ohshima, Masaki Sekino, Takayuki Iwasaki, Mutsuko HatanoDeveloping a sensitive diamond quantum sensor system for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat
92023/9 The 84th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2023Kosuke Kimura, Shinobu Onoda, Wataru Kada, Tokuyuki Teraji, Junichi Isoya, Tomoya Baba, Masaya Goto, Osamu Hanaizumi, Takeshi OhshimaGeneration of Entanglement State between NV Center Pair Created by Molecular Ion Implantation
102023/9DCM2023C. Shinei, Y. Masuyama, M. Miyakawa, H. Abe, S. Ishii, S. Saiki, S. Onoda, T. Taniguchi, T. Ohshima, T. TerajiDipole-dipole interaction between ensemble of NV- centers in diamond
112023/9DCM2023T. Teraji, C. ShineiNitrogen concentration control in diamond crystal growth for quantum sensing applications
122023/9DCM2023Y. Masuyama, C. Shinei, S. Ishii, H. Abe, T. Taniguchi, T. Teraji, T. OhshimaFast evaluation method for the spatial distribution of the quantum properties of color centers across a mm-sized diamond
132023/6NDNC2023T. Teraji, C. Shinei15N -doped homoepitaxial diamond (100) free-standing crystal growth for characterizing nitrogen-related point defects

Basic Foundation Research (Development of next generation high-performance inertial quantum sensors)

12024/32024 Spring Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanK. Takamura, K. Shimomura, K. NakagawaGravity measurement experiments outside the laboratory using a portable atomic gravimeter.
22023/11QI2023/6th IFQMSK. Takamura, T. Hojo, K. NakagawaDevelopment of a hybrid atomic gravimeter for field gravity measurements
32023/9 79th Annual Meeting, The Physical Society of JapanK. Takamura, K. NakagawaDevelopment of an atomic interferometric gravimeter using a hybrid method