QI2023 / 6th IFQMS

Quantum Innovation 2023 was held at Tokyo Convention Hall from November 15 (Wed.) to 17 (Fri.), 2023. The 6th International Forum on Quantum Metrology and Sensing (IFQMS) was held on November 16 and 17 at the Tokyo Convention Hall and Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama Campus as a joint program of the event.
IFQMS started in 2019 as a project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Quantum Leap Flagship Program (Q-LEAP) to promote international collaboration and young human resource development in the field of quantum metrology and sensing technology, and this 6th forum was the first face-to-face meeting in a long time. The event featured interdisciplinary exchanges for innovation promotion, including a joint poster session with other quantum science and technology fields and a satellite workshop for young researchers.

Read more about QI2023 here.

QI2023/6th IFQMS Program Overview

Plenary Sessions (Nov. 15)

The event started with a welcome talk by Prof. Mutsuko Hatano, QI2023 General Chair, Tokyo Institute of Technology, followed by lectures and panel discussions on the latest achievements and trends in quantum science and technology, including quantum strategies in Japan, the U.S. and Europe, visions for quantum technology from academia, and quantum strategies in industry.

Quantum Sensing Track Invited Lecture (Nov. 16)

Nine researchers from around the world who are leading the research in the field of solid-state quantum sensors and optical quantum sensing were invited to give lectures.
Each of the invited lectures received numerous questions and comments from the audience, indicating the high level of interest in this field.

SE-01. Solid-state Quantum Sensors Part 1

Chairperson: Norikazu Mizuochi, Professor, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Danielle Braje, Associate Group Leader, MIT Lincoln Lab., USA
Title: Quantum sensing: the promise, the challenge, and the path ahead
Naota Sekiguchi, Specially Appointed Assitant Professor, Tokyo Tech, Japan
Title: Diamond-based magnetometer with dc sensitivity below 10 pT Hz^-1/2 for magnetoencephalography
Junko Ishi-Hayase, Professor, Keio Univ., Japan
Title: Double/Triple resonance of electron spin in diamond: Quantum sensing and manipulation

SE-02. Solid-state Quantum Sensors Part 2

Chairperson: Takayuki Iwasaki, Associate Professor, Tokyo Tech, Japan
Adam Gali, Professor, Wigner RCP, BME, Hungary
Title: Basic properties and quantum control of diamond qubits
Hiromitsu Kato, Chief Senior Researcher, AIST, Japan
Title: Plasma CVD engineering of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers for quantum sensing
Kensuke Kobayashi, Professor, U Tokyo, Japan
Title: Magnetic field imaging using quantum sensors for condensed matter physics

SE-03. Optical Quantum Sensing

Chairperson: Shigeki Takeuchi, Professor, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Sven Ramelow, Dr. Group Leader, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Title: Mid-IR quantum sensing with entangled photons
Yasuyuki Ozeki, Professor, U Tokyo, Japan
Title: Quantum enhancement towards sensitive molecular vibrational imaging
Kentaro Somiya, Associate Professor, Tokyo Tech, Japan
Title: Reaching the quantum limit with a gravitational-wave telescope

The Quantum Sensing Track on November 17 featured sessions on Quantum Life Sciences Meets Quantum Computing, Atom Interferometer, and Atom/Ion Clocks.

Joint Poster Session (Nov. 16)

On the afternoon of the second day of QI2023, the poster session of QI2023 was held.
There were more than 130 presentations by mainly young researchers in Tracks Quantum Computing Track (PO-CP), Quantum Sensing Track (PO-SE) (Q-LEAP 6th IFQMS Joint Session), and Quantum Cryptography & Communication Track (PO-CC).
The large number of visitors and the lively discussions between participants and poster presenters were well attended.

QI2023/ Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers

Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers for students were announced after the event.
The winners of the Quantum Sensing Track (PO-SE) (Q-LEAP 6th IFQMS Joint Session) are listed below.
*Please click here to see all winners, including PO-CP and PO-CC.

Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers of PO-SE

PO-SE-07  Kosuke Kimura   Gunma University
“Quantum state tomography with NV-NV pair for quantum sensing application”
PO-SE-09  Ozora Iso   The University of Electro-Communications
“Biphoton spectral measurement with delay-line-anode single-photon detectors”
PO-SE-15  Ryota Kitagawa   Tokyo Institute of Technology
“Widefield imaging of the magnetization process in soft magnetic-thin film using diamond quantum sensors”
PO-SE-24  Riku Kawase   Kyoto University
“Control of impurity incorporation into CVD diamond toward long coherence time of the NV center by optimizing pressure”
PO-SE-32  Atsumi Yoshimura   Tokyo Institute of Technology
“Development of sensitive diamond quantum sensor for detecting the brain magnetic field of a living rat”
PO-SE-36  Geobae Park   Kyoto University
“Experimental criteria for the classification of multi-photon correlations”
PO-SE-42  Hiroaki Otsuka   Wasede University
“Tyrosine 319 may play a key role in the Radical Pair Mechanism through bifurcation in the light initiated redox reaction”

Quantum Innovation 2023 Poster Session Organizing Committee

*PO-SE was Joint Session of Q-LEAP 6th International Forum on Quantum Metrology and Sensing (6th IFQMS).

QI2023 / 6th IFQMS Satellite Workshop on Solid-state Quantum Sensors (Nov. 17)

The QI2023 / 6th IFQMS Satellite Workshop on Solid-state Quantum Sensors was held as a satellite workshop of QI2023 on the afternoon of November 17 at Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus (Chair: Associate Prof. Takayuki Iwasaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology). This workshop was organized to bring together posters related to Solid-State Sensors from the QI2023 Poster Session and invited speakers from abroad for technical discussions to foster young researchers and promote research exchanges.

After a one-minute short presentation by each poster presenter and a lab tour of Tokyo Tech’s Q-LEAP site, technical discussions and exchanges of opinions took place.

Forty-five participants, including 22 poster presenters, engaged in friendly yet serious discussions throughout the venue. For young researchers, it was a valuable opportunity to hear directly from renowned foreign researchers.


Q-LEAP Quantum Metrology and Sensing HQ Secretariat
Email: ifqms[at]qleap.titech.ac.jp
*Note: Please replace [at] with @ when you email us.